Are you paying too much in real estate taxes?


Are you paying too much in real estate taxes?

Have you ever looked at your real estate tax bill and thought…. This tax bill seems kinda high?

And then, you look at your assessment and think- well that's kinda low… so I guess I'm ahead of the game….

But here's the thing - and keep in mind - I am speaking about the area that I work…. (every area is different)

The assessment only represents a percentage of the market value of which the county has determined your house to be worth. 

So when you think it's low….. Well… it may in fact be high….

Tricky, right?

For example: if you live in Montgomery County, PA go do this right now:

Look at your assessment and multiply it by 2.24  = the market value that your current taxes are based upon.

Now, how do you feel about that market value?

If you are unsure, then we can provide clarity.

If you do not know how to find your assessment, then we can show you where/how to find it.

If you are really upset because you think it seems way high… we can take a closer look at your specific market.

If you are located within a different county in PA we can assist you with the calculations that apply to your county.

Our goal is to empower you with accurate information that will help you determine your next step.

We can gather the appropriate data, analyze the information and compile a report to submit with your tax appeal that will provide reasonable, reliable and credible proof that fully supports an estimate of market value. 

This is what we do.

As appraisers, we are not advocates.

Our agenda is not to lower your taxes.

Our duty is to provide an unbiased opinion of value.

Which is why an appraisal report can be used by our Client as strong evidence to support their appeal.


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