Adding a Bedroom doesn't Automatically Add Value


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Adding a bedroom doesn't automatically add value.

And also, what you consider to be a bedroom may not be counted as a bedroom in an appraisal.

Here's why….

Think about the typical buyer of your home….would they pay more for another bedroom?

Where is this bedroom located?

How do you access this bedroom? Is there a privacy issue?

Where is the bedroom located in relation to a bathroom?

What is the size of the bedroom? Does it meet the minimum guidelines for the purpose of the appraisal?

Where is the closet for this bedroom located?

Is there an emergency exit? What does that look like?

I have so many more questions. 

And, I always feel so bad for people when they put their time, energy and money into a home project thinking it will raise their value and then when it's finished they discover that if they had made some different choices the end result would have been more profitable.

So, the most important takeaway I want you to have is this:

Before you add a bedroom, please speak with an appraiser to determine the best way to do this so that it adds value to your home….. Or, if it will add value to your home at all. 

Then, whatever it is you choose to do, at least it's a well-informed decision so you are not blindsided when you receive an appraisal in the future…. 


GO HERE to learn more about those questions above.


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