
Showing posts from March, 2022

Adding a Bedroom doesn't Automatically Add Value

  GO HERE  to learn more about those questions below Adding a bedroom doesn't automatically add value. And also, what you consider to be a bedroom may not be counted as a bedroom in an appraisal. Here's why…. Think about the typical buyer of your home….would they pay more for another bedroom? Where is this bedroom located? How do you access this bedroom? Is there a privacy issue? Where is the bedroom located in relation to a bathroom? What is the size of the bedroom? Does it meet the minimum guidelines for the purpose of the appraisal? Where is the closet for this bedroom located? Is there an emergency exit? What does that look like? I have so many more questions.  And, I always feel so bad for people when they put their time, energy and money into a home project thinking it will raise their value and then when it's finished they discover that if they had made some different choices the end result would have been more profitable. So, the most important takeaway I want you t

Inflation Gotcha Stressed? Here's a Simple Money-Saver

  My eyes pop daily at the inflation rates of basic living expenses. Wouldn't it be great to save hundreds or perhaps thousands of dollars this year? If you know someone who has purchased a home recently … keep reading. Homeowners: I may have a way to help you reduce your mortgage payment for either yourself and/or someone that you know. Realtors: Here is a thoughtful idea of how to reconnect with your clients with a purpose of serving them well and reminding them that you are always on the lookout to make life a little bit less stressful. CPA's : During tax time, here is a tidbit of good news for your clients. Attorneys: Here is a simple method to stay in touch with your clients with some beneficial advice. Ready for it? Suppose Jane Doe bought a home in 2020 using conventional financing and her down payment was less than 20%..... That means that Jane is paying a monthly PMI (private mortgage insurance) premium. We all know the market value of homes has increased exponentia

Square Measurements are Changing

 tap here to learn more! There are a lot of misconceptions about what is included in the square footage of a home. And I completely understand why....  Many people believe that if they have a finished walkout basement then it should be included in the square footage.  I mean, after all you may have lots of fun down in that basement and use it every day as part of your "living area". Many people also believe that their beautiful new addition is included in square footage.... Maybe yes, Maybe no. And now, beginning April 1st, it's about to get a little bit trickier for anyone who is having their house appraised for lending purposes via typical lending standards. Side Note: Yes, Fannie Mae chose April Fool's Day to implement this mandatory measuring standard.... lol Somebody somewhere is having a good laugh right now. So, what does this change mean for the typical homeowner or realtor?  Basically, this means that the square footage of your home is what it is according to