
Showing posts from January, 2022

Divorce & Real Estate Appraisals: What You'll Need to Know

  Our company routinely completes divorce appraisals and homeowners are usually curious about how an appraisal report completed for divorce is different from other appraisals. Here's what you need to know: Who orders the appraisal? Either the Homeowner or the Attorney can order the appraisal. Most attorneys have an appraiser they routinely work with and they will give you the appraiser's contact info so that you can make the arrangements. If it's not possible for you to make the arrangements then the attorney may offer to order the appraisal for you. This all depends on your specific situation and who will be permitting access to the property.  Can I choose my own appraiser? Yes, you absolutely can choose your own appraiser.  If a friend has highly recommended an appraiser to you based on their own positive experience and you would like to hire that appraiser then it's totally fine.  If you are working with an attorney just be sure to speak with them first so that you a

The appraiser is coming - what should I do?

  The appraiser is coming - what should I do? Homeowners always ask me if there is anything they need to do to prepare for the appraisal. Here are a few tips: + Your home does not need to be spotless or professionally cleaned. And it's totally normal for your teenager's room to be an experience, or your toddler's toys to be strewn, or your pet's bone to be in the middle of the floor, or your work papers to be spread all over your dining room table, or dinner to be cooking on the stove.... But the need to navigate an obstacle course of items that appear as though they have been there for years does make me wonder about the maintenance of the house. If the holiday passed 8 months ago and the decorations are still up, gathering dust, then it does cause me to pause a moment and take an even closer look at the general upkeep of the windows, doors, walls, floors, ceilings, etc. . + I absolutely love when the homeowner or the realtor hands me any info that will help me to ha