
Showing posts from March, 2021

Basics of Divorce Appraisal

Answering the most common questions about divorce appraisals. Wading through the process of divorce can be stressful and knowing the value of our property is a huge part of the process.  I have been on both ends of this situation..... getting a divorce and completing appraisals for divorce so I totally understand and empathize with your situation.  Here are 5 important things to know about divorce appraisals: 1- When should I get an appraisal?   My best advice is to talk with your attorney to determine this answer due to a couple of different scenarios:     -  Sometimes both parties will agree to use just one attorney and one appraisal so be sure that you and your spouse and your attorney are all on the same page as to the effective date of the appraisal.       -  Most times each spouse is getting their own attorney and their own appraisal.  Then, the attorneys will compare the two opinions of value and negotiate a final decision. Again, your attorney will tell you when it's time t